Signed AsBo Memorandum of Understanding

Infracert TSI sp. z o.o. signed AsBo Memorandum of Understanding

Infracert TSI sp. z o.o. accredited Independent Assessment Body/Inspection Body (AsBo) No AK 034 has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) on a voluntary implementation of Recommendations for Use applicable to AsBos. A harmonised approach by individual bodies enhances safety on the railways.
The purpose of this document is to foster the voluntary implementation of all published AsBo RFUs by all members of the AsBo Cooperation Group, which we are a member of, in the absence of a strong legal basis in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 on the common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment (CSM RA) regarding a mandatory use of those AsBo-RFUs.

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